Minutes of the ITHF

Extraordinary Delegates' Conference, Nr. 06

Place: Web

Date: 25th February – 8th March 2008


The ITHF members present: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA.


Minute keeper: Vladimir Kraus

Changes of the ITHF Constitution

1) Voting of the ITHF bodies

Suggested version:

12.2 Voting.

12.2.1 Resolutions passed by the Delegates’ Conference are affected by simple majority, with the exception of such instances as are listed in the rules. A tied vote will result in rejection of resolution.


12.2.2 Elections of ITHF bodies are affected by simple majority. Every voting ITHF member has a number of the votes the same as a number of positions at the elected body.


If more candidates than the number of positions at the elected body get more than the half of all votes at the first round then the second round is scheduled and nobody is elected at the current round. Only the candidates with more than half number of all votes go into the second round.


If fewer candidates than the number of positions at the elected body get more than the half of all votes at the first round the second voting round is scheduled to decide about all not elected candidates from the first round. Only the candidates with more than half number of all votes are elected.


The candidates with the highest number of votes are elected in the second round. If they cannot be elected because of the same number of votes the next round is scheduled without the candidates who got the least number of votes.

If the next round cannot be held because of eliminating too many candidates with the least number of votes then nobody is eliminated.


If the same candidates are taking part in two consecutive rounds then a draw will decide the elections. The draw cannot be used if more than half delegates votes for the next electing round with the same candidates.


12.3. –


APPROVED:  11 votes: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA


No …  0 votes


2) Change  of the Game Rules

Suggested version:

5.7: The puck must hit the sideboards, or a playing figure other than the center must gain control of the puck before a goal can be counted. 


APPROVED: 4 votes: Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Latvia

No = 0 votes





3) Leaving before the end

Suggestion 1:

"4.5 Leaving before the end
If a player played less than 80% of the scheduled matches in the group stage, he is considered as retired and all his/her matches in this group will be eliminated and the group standings will be recalculated by the organizers of the tournament. The retired player will finish the last in his/her group.

If a player plays at least 80% of the scheduled matches in the group stage before retiring, he/she will retain all the results and group standing will not be recalculated.

If a player retires from the tournament between two group stages or between a group stage and play-off, another player cannot replace him."


Suggestion 2:

4.5 Leaving before the end

If any player retires from any group stage then all his/her matches in this group will be eliminated and the group standings will be recalculated by the organizers of the tournament. The player will finish last in his group.Retirement” is a situation when the player does not play more than last three matches scheduled in the group without any reasonable explanation to organizers or Committee of referees.

 If any player retires from the tournament between two group stages or between a group stage and play-off, another player cannot replace him.”


APPROVED: Suggestion 1 …  6 votes: Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Sweden


Suggestion 2  … 3 votes: Czech Republic, Estonia, USA


No = no change  … 1 vote: Slovakia

4) Rules about disqualification

Suggested version:

4.6 Exclusion from the tournament
Player can be disqualified from the tournament by the tournament's committee of referees if he/she is:
- repeatedly breaking table hockey playing rules or tournament rules;
- found intentionally altering the score reported to the scorer's table;
- found intentionally playing a match to a draw (tie score) or to a loss;

- asking other players to intentionally play for results;
- seriously disturbing the tournament;
- drunk or impaired during the tournament.
- found intentionally damaging the used games or anything else at the tournament venue.

If a player is disqualified all his results from the current group stage will be eliminated and the group standings will be recalculated. If a next group stage or play-offs are already started, the results from previous groups are not affected by the disqualification.

If a player is disqualified during a match in the team competition the team must play with reduced number of players. After the team match a substitute can be called to the team – the maximum number of members of the team is not changed by this disqualification.

Disqualified players don’t get any points, placement or the World Ranking points. The final tournament standings of other participants are affected by this (players ranked behind the disqualified players get better final tournament placement).


If a player is disqualified he will be reported to the World Ranking as the last player in the tournament.


All disputes shall be solved during the tournament by the organizers and tournament’s committee of referees. If it cannot be solved during the tournament, it must be passed to the national association of the country where the tournament is held. The association can ask the ITHF for help with solving the dispute.

All incidents must be reported to the ITHF by the organizers. The Executive Committee of the ITHF can decide about further punishment of the player in accordance with all ITHF documents and rules. The Executive Committee of the ITHF reserves the right to suspend a player from ITHF tournaments. The ITHF can recommend to all national associations to suspend the player from their tournaments.”

APPROVED: Version with no points for DQ players … 8 votes: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, USA


Version with reporting the player as the last at the WR …  3 votes: Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland


No = no change  … 0 votes

5) Rules for referees

Suggested version of point 2.2:

“If any member of the committee or any member of the TC of the ITHF presented at the tournament finds any conflict with the ITHF rules, they must report it to the tournament organizers immediately. Organizers must correct it as soon as possible and ensure that there are not any critical delays during the tournament.”


APPROVED: 12 votes: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA


No … 0 votes

6) Rules for referees II

Suggestion add to 2.2 Committee of referees:

“Committee of referees can award a warning and disqualification to a player. The warning can be visualized by using yellow card. The disqualification can be visualized by using red card.“

APPROVED: 10 votes: Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA


No …  2 votes: Estonia, Slovakia


7) Decisive rule when having same points

to Add 5) number of wins from mutual matches


APPROVED:  6 votes: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Russia, Sweden


No … 5 votes: Latvia, Norway, Slovakia, Switzerland, USA


8) Definition of “European counry”

Now: from “2.5 International championship

 “At the European championship only the European citizens (i.e. holders of passports of a European country) can participate.”


A suggestion is to define what is “European country”.

Suggested version:

“At the European championship only the European citizens (i.e. holders of passports of Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, FYR Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom) can participate.”


Suggested version 2:

Make the European Championship OPEN for all nations who want to participate.


APPROVED: Suggested version 1  … 10 votes: Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA


Suggested version 2 …  1 vote: Czech Republic


No = no change …  0 votes

9) Team competitions

NOW from “2.5 International championship”

“Each team must consist of at least four players. The maximum number of team members is ten players. The captain of each team must be announced to the organizers no later than the start of the play-off or the placement matches. Any substitution of players during team matches is forbidden.”


 Suggested version:

Each team consist of five players. The minimum number of team members is four, but the maximum - ten players.

Each ladies team consist of three players. The minimum number of ladies team members is three, but the maximum - five players.

The captain of each team must be announced to the organizers no later than the start of the play-off or the placement matches. Any substitution of players during team matches is forbidden.


APPROVED: 10 votes: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA


No  … 1 vote: Norway

10) Reporting results

Now: 3.5 After the tournament

Organizers must send results to the world ranking and to the ITHF within five days after the tournament. All participants of the tournament should know their results immediately after the tournament.


Suggested version:

Organizers must send results to the world ranking and to the ITHF within three days after the tournament. All participants of the tournament should know their results immediately after the tournament.


APPROVED:  11 votes: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine




Signed by:


Bjarne Axelsen, Mike Caponetti, Zoltan Cserhati, Vladimir Kraus, Trygve Lie

Members of the Executive Committee of the ITHF